a little bit of a resurrection
my life journal: cutmedown


I don't know if I mentioned the fact that I started a new job. I'm working at a place called Alterra (I love the name.) It's an assisted living center for seniors. So it is kind of like a nursing home, only it's not. It looks more like a Victorian townhouse on the inside & it is nice, nice, nice. I work in the Activity Department, my official title, is "Life Enrichment Assistant." It's a sweet deal I get to play games with the residence, call Bingo numbers, do puzzles, read the newspaper, play movies, etc. Nice, right? I like it alot. And the pay, wow, I am making $9.00 an hour as opposed to the $5.60 I was making at the library.

So last Monday I gave my two weeks & a really nice letter of resignation to my boss stating that my last day would be August 18th; but, Thursday he asked me if I could stay until the end of August because the new girl can't start until after Labor Day. So for now I am working both jobs & it is beating the shit out of me.

Thursday nite I went to the movies with that guy I've been dating for about a month now. We went to see American Wedding. It was pretty funny but really nasty at some parts. Anyway he called me Friday nite & I still haven't called him back. He must be sick of my shit. It's really not my fault though, I am so busy it's disgusting. I don't know, I don't really know if I like him or not. I make myself sick. I am so picky it's disgusting & really I do not know if I am really picky or just terrified to let anyone get close to me.

I worked this morning at my new job & now I've got to leave in a few minutes to go work at my old one.

Oh yea, I recently got Optimum Online (wow what a difference from dial-up) & I am taking a lot more requests & doing free custom layouts at my graphic/layout design site, Dedications. So click that link or click the button & go request.

I love you all.



written on 2003-08-11 at 2:32 p.m.

she / lost