a little bit of a resurrection
my life journal: cutmedown


There are no words to describe how horrible this day has turned. One minute everything is okay, then disaster strikes. It was about 3:00 this afternoon. I was getting up from the recliner & I guess my pinky toe on my right foot got caught under something. I didn't realize it so I just kept going. The next thing I know, CRACK. I thought my toe snapped off. I saw stars. So I ended up going to work anyway because I desperately need the money. SO I suffered through four hoursl it wasn't too bad because I didn't do shit.

The most horrible thing of all is that I was supposed to go to a party tonite with [him] & I had to call him & tell him that I couldn't go because I broke my mother fucking toe. Worst of all, I don't think he believed me. I don't know why I think that, but I've just got that feeling.

I just don't know why this had to happen. Everything was going so well. So anyway in an attempt to salvage things I wrote him a sweet e-mail; well kind of sweet. I don't know, I just really like him & oh my gosh if this fucks everything up I will be devastated.

This sucks, my toe is swollen & bruised. It hurts so much to walk & even hurts just sitting down & laying down. It also hurts like hell to drive & I can't even put a shoe on.

I really just hope it gets better soon & I hope [he] calls tomorrow & everything is okay. I'm scared.

written on 2003-07-20 at 7:57 p.m.

she / lost