a little bit of a resurrection
my life journal: cutmedown


l<3ve sick days & nites fester under my skin. blood runs thick, like molten lava. & how the empty shell of us reminds me of the iridescent pearl that once was me. only now look at me; in tatters on the floor. long beating's bruises line my skin & bleeding heart, crying out my story. he pulled a needle laced with pain through every ligament & muscle in my body. trails of pain are my essence. fading happiness & vivid memories etched against the backdrop of a rainbow colored autumn sky; haunting us, always haunting us.

counting down the days to halloween so we may put on those masks [hide the s c a r s] & live up that candy coated dream day. i'll make it okay, one day, i'll make it all okay.

written on 2003-09-15 at 9:36 p.m.

she / lost