a little bit of a resurrection
my life journal: cutmedown

mindless rambling...

I am sitting up in the library at school. It is 11:43 now and I have been here since about 10:50. I wrote a little bit to Kristyn and then I looked at a few diaries. I found one that I liked. One that I was just looking at though made me ill. This lady was so happy. It is one thing to be happy and like the color pink. Because me and all my friends LOVE the color pink... BUT this broad took the whole thing too far. Too far!

So class was good this morning. As they usually are. I don't have too much to complain about, well I don't have too much right to complain about them, I should say. As many times as I have heard it in the past and resented it, I choose to be here. I mean my parents are forking out about 6 grand a semester for this place, I think or a year? I don't know something like that. note: when monetary figures go over $1000 I lose most concept of their meaning. Anyway the point I was trying to make is that I am here and I may as well make the best out of it. One day it will all pay off, when I get to be the teacher .. heh heh heh ...

So anyway I am still in a pretty good mood after last nite. I think I am setting a record right now, I've been happy for about seven hours! Plus, if you include the time I spent sleeping you could say I've been happy for about 14 hours. I probably shouldn't be talking about this, but it is a friggen rarity. I am never content for this long a period of time. I usually get depressed atleast once every 2 or 3 hours. There's really no reason for this either, not that I can think of anyway.

My stomach hurts. Whoah some guy with about seven young men just walked past. He must have been giving them a tour of the library. I head him say, " Over here people hang out and use the computers. " Then they kept walking, but they all looked at me! I looked back at them. They're long gone now, but that was weird, I felt like a piece of artwork, no, well yea maybe a nasty looking piece of artwork. I think they might have been from a highschool or something they didn't look my age. Maybe they looked seventeen.

It's disgusting what I do with my free time today. I really and truly should be reading. I keep drifting off in thoughts that I am not typing. I guess I don't think that they are worthy of being put down, that's hysterical considering some of the shit that I write down here. Sometimes I feel like unless my work makes someone cry, it is worthless. Usually I write when I am depressed, so sometimes it works, but today I am just fuckin rambling on and on about the stupidest shit. I sincerely apologize to anyone who reads this. It is a genuine waste of time, both mine and yours. Ohhh well shit happens...

written on 2003-01-23 at 11:43 a.m.

she / lost