a little bit of a resurrection
my life journal: cutmedown

melting ice

i felt like i could look at him in the eyes last nite; but i didn't have to. i felt like i could smile, i could laugh; but i didn't have to.

there was an ice princess in a cold place. six walls of brick surrounded her. last nite with trembling hands, he started taking away the bricks: one by one by one. & piles started forming. inside she was crying. only he had no idea.

today she was leaving work & she could finally check the messages on her cell phone. & she didn't think he would, but he had called. he had left her the sweetest message she ever heard. & she walked down the stairs & out to her car smiling, for the first time in a very long time.

& right now i miss him.

written on 2004-01-03 at 8:17 p.m.

she / lost